For Noordlease on mobile, I saw that the login icon and text is the old one. Just to rememeber, I have managed to replace the login icon with the fav icon from them. For the solution I have created a child file from the theme header module in the Noordlease folder. Then created 2 parameters (global_login_link_icon and login_link_text) in the fields and use the next line of code to replace the previous login icon and text.

<img id="noordlease_login_icon" src="{{module.global_login_link_icon}}" alt="login link icon" width="20" height="20"><span style="text-transform: none;">&nbsp; {{module.login_link_text}}</span>

Now on mobile devices, I see the previous login icon and text, so it should be different class on mobile. Searching for the div class, I found the class “pwr-header-right-bar__icon pwr-icon” which is defined to shape the mobile devices nav bar and menu. So I commented the previous ones and added the one from above. I also had to change the Search title and text in the fields

{{ module.translation.txt_burger_search_title }}

So I changed the main title and place holder in the fields sections in the right as the image.
