Here is a checklist of tasks to do when having a HubSpot CMS website client and starts with purchasing and installing the theme.

  • Creating child theme
  • Assign the child theme as the main theme
  • Design and assign a theme image for preview and update the URL in theme.json file
  • Update theme settings > account defaults
  • Assign the CSS file for the domain
  • Privacy & consent > Define Cooki banner and customize styling
  • Marketing > Pages > Integration with GA4
  • Marketing > Pages > SEO & Crawlers > Assign file hosting domain
  • Marketing > Pages > System pages > Define System pages
    • 404 page
    • 500 page
    • Search result page (Define new URL)
  • Marketing > Emain > Subscriptions > Define proper pages
    • Susbscription preferences page
    • Subscription update confirmation
    • Unknown contact subscription
  • Define Menu
  • Define header
    • Create a test page and edit header global module
  • Define Footer
    • Use the test page and edit the footer global module
  • Define Blog structure
  • Define Blog listing page template
  • Define Vlog author(s)
  • Define Blog categories
  • Define single blog post template

Website launch checklist

  • Domain setup
    • Connecting domain (Setup as primary)
    • Update DNS records
    • SSL and domain security
    • Create and manage URL redirects
  • SEO
    • Edit / Update sitemap
    • Install Google Search Console from HubSpot marketplace and connect
    • View in page SEO recommendations