The cahllenge is some autos have just Operational lease price. The comparison table section in the dynamic page is a manual section which I could just get the values from HubDB and create 2 column pricing table to show both prices. But when financial lease price is empty, I need to hide the column.

For this challenge, I created a duplicate section of the comparison table and defined a class for both of the as “lease_double_column” and “lease_single_column”.

Then I go to the page setting and define the below code to check for the field value of financial lease and if it is empty, then hide the whole section of 2 column. On the other hand show the both columns.

{% if not row.financial_lease_price %}
.lease_double_column {display: none;}
{% elif row.financial_lease_price && row.operational_lease_price %}
<style>.lease_single_column {display: none;}</style>
{% endif %}