New Solution [ 28.06.2024]

Today, I got this problem again for my personal website and I found out that probabely doble Gzip/Brotli has been enabled for the domain.

When I registered the domain and hosting, I have enabled the Brotli in Hetzner account as below

Then I found out that in Cloudflare the Gzip compression is enabled by default. So I have disabled the Brotli in Hetzner. I will also disable it for SGW website to see if this works or not.

I check the status also here

Main problem

Today I accidentally get the error I was looking for. The story began when I tried to load SGW website and get the website as the image below.

Whe I used the Chrome dev tool, I get this error Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED

What is this problem?
This can happen when an HTTP request’s headers say that the content is gzip encoded, but it isn’t. It doesn’t always happen, as you’ve discovered. But happens occasionally.
In general that means the styling of the website/page is not loading properly.

When I checked the Cloudflare, I found that the SSL encryption mode is set to Full > I changed to Full (strict).

I have no idea how it can affect the service because it is hosted by Hetzner and it has also SSL certificate. So far the service works fine and I am getting the websites but When I tried to change the last data in the Django administration page, I get the error below