The X-Powered-By header is commonly used by web servers to indicate the software technology behind the website, including the PHP version in use. For example, the header X-Powered-By: PHP/7.4.33 informs the client that the website is running PHP version 7.4.33. While this may seem harmless, exposing this information can pose security risks by revealing details about your server’s environment.

Action Taken

The X-Powered-By: PHP/7.4.33 header was successfully disabled by setting the expose_php = Off directive in the server’s PHP configuration. This prevents the PHP version from being disclosed in HTTP headers, reducing the risk of targeted attacks that exploit known vulnerabilities in specific PHP versions.

Security Benefits

Reduces Attack Surface: By hiding the PHP version, attackers are less likely to target known vulnerabilities specific to that version.

Obscures Server Information: Preventing exposure of server details makes it more difficult for attackers to gather intelligence about the server environment, reducing the chances of automated or targeted attacks.
