Gravity forms result as Chart.js

One of the challenges I face is to create a Gravity forms which then the result can be shown as a chart using Chart.js. For this I used the solution below: 1- First created the form using Gravity forms within WordPress. For the update, I will try to implement any form. Then I need to […]

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Pass field data via query string

The challenge for this week is to have an individual webpage for each result zone (bad, good, perfect) so in total 3 web pages which each one will be shown based on the conditional logic of the result segment. So far I have the number field with the summed amount of values which is categorized […]

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Insert video as featured image

I was assigned a task to make a portfolio item for Symagic. The challenge was that they needed the feature image to play a video instead. A featured image represents the contents, mood, or theme of a post or page. Posts and pages can have a single featured image, which many themes and tools can […]

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Hide (No-index) a PDF file from Google search console

Many of our clients offer whitepaper PDFs on their site to generate leads. Therefore, our clients don’t want people to find their whitepaper PDFs from a Google search. Rather, they want to get people’s email address first before giving access to their whitepaper. There are multiple ways to hide or No Index the specific file […]

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Show submenu item by default on mobile

By default on the mobile version you have to click on the + icon to expand the menu but using the CSS code below, I am able to show one level submenu item by default. The theme for the website is The7 . The CSS code should be implemented in Theme Options -> Advanced -> Custom CSS Then […]

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cURL error 6:could not resolve host WordPress

During the past week I was working on our server, clean up and updates. After finishing the updates. I received a notification from the client, expressing that they are not receiving the form submissions in Sage CRM. The overview: The forms are built using Gravity forms. The submissions are converting to XML using Forms: 3rd-Party Integration and are […]

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WordPress 503 Service Unavailable

1. Wait for some time to see if the problem will solve: Normally the problem caused because of the database update, by waiting we will let WordPress do the update in the background. If the solution didn’t work, try solution 2. 2.  Delete .htaccess file from your host: The description below is from Daniel Morell’s website […]

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Woocommerce custom stock status

The best solution for implementing new custom stock status I implement on is: The steps are as below: 2- To add the new custom status to the backend, use the code below: 3- Use the CSS code below to hide the Add to cart button when the new custom stock status is shown: […]

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Exclude irrelevant pages from search result

Having the search option in the website means if you search for some irrelevant terms, it will show you some irrelevant items too, and in my case it will show the test pages. I was looking for the best solution for excluding some pages from showing in the result page of the search. There are […]

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Google server side tagging

In the process of server side tagging, I needed to connect the google server to a custom domain of our own website to make sure it works fine. every thing we did including the DNS records updates led to an unsuccessful connection. The was not connecting. Now I found that when I added […]

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