Disable X-Powered-By: PleskLin

To remove the X-Powered-By: PleskLin, first I installed the Panel.ini editor extension in Plesk Then went to Editor tab and add the below code Then just tried to Repair the PHP.ini using Repair kit extension from the tutorial below https://ourcodeworld.com/articles/read/1467/how-to-remove-globally-the-x-powered-by-plesklin-header-from-your-server

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Disable X-Powered-By: PHP/7.4.33

The X-Powered-By header is commonly used by web servers to indicate the software technology behind the website, including the PHP version in use. For example, the header X-Powered-By: PHP/7.4.33 informs the client that the website is running PHP version 7.4.33. While this may seem harmless, exposing this information can pose security risks by revealing details […]

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WordPress admin dashboard error 403

I have got a call from Biomeden. The problem was that he moved to a new hosting but the website was not working. After an investigation I found out that the new hosting has a PHP version of 8.0 so I selected the PHP 7.4 in the cPanel and the website was back on. Then […]

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Cookiebot ReferenceError: grecaptcha is not defined

For Nebs.nl I got a problem as below in the chrome dev The problem is that the Cookiebot is hiding the Google reCaptcha because before allowing the consent. the reason is found here https://support.cookiebot.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360006577259-Google-Recaptcha-field-only-loads-if-marketing-cookies-are-enabled Your google recaptcha fields have been hided before giving consent because they set cookies on the site and therefore they are […]

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Simple notification on menu for the website

I was fooling around which though about the notification element which some websites have. For example you have a menu item as Job and then you want to highlight the number of jobs available. I can think of different cases for this, so here is the simple version of it and here is the CSS […]

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Wildcard subdomain to point to main website

Today I have been asked to find a solution for the wildcard subdomains to point to the main website. This happens because we have a shared VPS as the Fueld server and Symagic sees that if somebody does lsdhgf.symagic.com it goes to the Plesk default page with no SSL certificate. They wanted to point it […]

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Prevent canonical URL redirects

Today I faced achallenge which one of the Fueld URLs /customer-journey redirected to /b2b-customer-journey and I needed to remove it. The solution was easy to find which plugin created this redirect rule. after checking the redirection plugin, server, and .htaccess file, I could not find it. so I checked the DB using PHPmyAdmin and search […]

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Show Query parameters from URL

The challenge is to show the query parameters from the URL in the page using HTML. I need to use a JS code to listens to the URL and understands the query parameters and then show that in the section. Here is the code:

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Gravity forms result as Chart.js

One of the challenges I face is to create a Gravity forms which then the result can be shown as a chart using Chart.js. For this I used the solution below: 1- First created the form using Gravity forms within WordPress. For the update, I will try to implement any form. Then I need to […]

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