Hide a section based on a HubDB value

The cahllenge is some autos have just Operational lease price. The comparison table section in the dynamic page is a manual section which I could just get the values from HubDB and create 2 column pricing table to show both prices. But when financial lease price is empty, I need to hide the column. For […]

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Hide Financial lease if no price

Challenge [16.08.2024] The challenge is to somehow hide the column of financial lease is there is no value set in HubDB on Noordlease website. Idea 1: create a duplicate of the pricing table just for the 1 column pricing. Assign a class to it and some how define in the page header that check for […]

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Seach bar styling

For Noordlease I have been asked to add a placeholder to the header search bar and change the colors. Below is the CSS styling codes for changing the input placeholder, search icon and close icon.

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Redirect the pages without auto_id

The challenge for Noordlease is that we have a listing page which shows all the autos. For each auto, a new dynamic page will be generated which has a query parameter in it to show the auto information. If the visitor removes the auto id number, it shows a page without the HubDB raw data. […]

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HubSpot CMS default featured image

The new challenge was to define a featured image which shows by default in HubSpot CMS for pages. To solve this challenge, I found my base.html layout in HubSpot design manager, then found the meta parts and add the below code This code means if the featured image is turned on in the front end […]

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Noordlease mobile nav

For Noordlease on mobile, I saw that the login icon and text is the old one. Just to rememeber, I have managed to replace the login icon with the fav icon from them. For the solution I have created a child file from the theme header module in the Noordlease folder. Then created 2 parameters […]

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Noordlease auto detail image slider

The next challenge in the process, is to create a slider gallery based on the columns in the HubDB row. That mean for each row, I need to create an image slider based on the columns image_slider_1 to image_slider_6. To solve this, I cloned the theme’s slider gallery module and tried to ensure it gets […]

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Noordlease system pages

To define the system pages including 404 page and 500 error pages, I used the design manager, found the proper system page in the POWER theme folder, cloned it to the Noordlease child theme folder. Then I could choose the correct system page from the drop down menu in the images below. I can now […]

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Global header/footer

The Noordlease theme “POWER” has a cool feature. They have developed 4 types of header and footer for each web page type as below. That means for each type of page, I need to define the proper settings. I have defined header for the website pages and for the Blog post page ans landing page, […]

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Show the value of a hubDB select column

The HubDB contains select columns which Noordlease can select the type. For example I have a transmissie select column which I can show it in the front end by using the code below This code shows the value below in the front end. In order to show the correct value I have to add the […]

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