3 days ago I have seen an interesting simple concept on Linked in which was a birthday cake with a candle which you can actually blow out by blowing in the microphone of your device. That was an interesting concept to me as an expat which my family and friends are far away from me.

Here is a demo of it https://mohammadshekari.github.io/Birthday-Cake-With-Blowing-Candle/index.html

The concept that I can think about is more about customizing the cake and candle and share with our loved ones with a message and media to wish them a happy birthday frrom far away.

I want to turn it into a fun project with a concept to let the person decide how much they want to pay for this service in the payment section. I can also think about so many ideas to promote it and joining with possible gift providers as a QR code or an added value to their gifts.

I can also think about approaching with a good story from Chat GPT as below

Storyboard for a 1-Minute Video Presentation

Scene 1: Introduction (0:00 – 0:10)

Visuals: Soft background music with a gentle fade-in. An animated graphic of a globe with people connected by heart strings across different continents.

Voiceover/Text: “In today’s world, distance can sometimes keep us apart from our loved ones.”

Scene 2: The Problem (0:10 – 0:20)

Visuals: A split-screen showing a person (John) looking at a calendar with a circled date “Emma’s Birthday.” On the other side, Emma looks at her phone, appearing a bit sad.

Voiceover/Text: “Missing special moments and celebrations can be hard.”

Scene 3: The Solution Introduction (0:20 – 0:25)

Visuals: A bright, colorful transition showing the virtual birthday cake platform interface on a laptop screen.

Voiceover/Text: “Introducing our Virtual Birthday Cake Platform – bringing joy, no matter the distance.”

Scene 4: Customization Features (0:25 – 0:35)

Visuals: Close-ups of John customizing the cake: selecting the cake design, adding decorations, choosing background colors, and typing a heartfelt message.

Voiceover/Text: “Personalize the cake, add a special message…”

Scene 5: Adding Personal Touches (0:35 – 0:45)

Visuals: John uploads a video and records a voice note. Split-screen to show Emma receiving a notification on her phone with excitement.

Voiceover/Text: “…include a video and voice note to make it truly special.”

Scene 6: The Big Reveal (0:45 – 0:55)

Visuals: Emma opens the link, customizes her cake, reads the message, watches the video, and listens to the voice note. She smiles and virtually blows out the candles.

Voiceover/Text: “Share the link, and let them experience your love. Watch them smile as they blow out the candles and see your messages.”

Scene 7: Emotional Connection (0:55 – 1:00)

Visuals: Split-screen of John and Emma video calling, both smiling and happy. Background fades to the platform’s logo with a tagline.

Voiceover/Text: “No matter the distance, celebrate together. Create moments of joy with our Virtual Birthday Cake Platform.”

End Screen Text: “Visit [Website URL] to start your celebration today!”

Key Points:

  • Visual Consistency: Use bright, engaging colors and smooth transitions.
  • Emotional Connection: Focus on the expressions of joy and connection.
  • Call to Action: Clear ending with website information and a prompt to visit.

This storyboard aims to succinctly convey the concept, features, and emotional impact of the virtual birthday cake platform in a compelling and visually engaging manner.

I talked to Mohammad Shekari for the further development and I need to work on the UI and UX in the meantime. I want to use pastel coloring from this page https://wdtthemes.kinsta.cloud/sweeny/home-2/
