I am working on the Autotrust website and for one of their page templates I needed to create a menu item which shows the current page and redirects to the current page URL.

The main idea is to add this as menu item

<a href="{{ content.absolute_url }}" target="_self">{{ content.name }}</a>

This solution is not working because the menu structure is based on labels not the modules so I used this solution: I added this as the menu item

U bent hier: &nbsp; <a href="#" id="current-page-link"></a>

Then I use the code below in the page footer to use JS to get the page name and URL

    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
        var currentPageLink = document.getElementById("current-page-link");
        if (currentPageLink) {
            currentPageLink.href = window.location.href;
            currentPageLink.textContent = document.title;